Favorite Place
Stockholm, Sweden
My favorite place in the world is Stockholm, Sweden. I went there on a last minute trip while I was studying abroad last semester. I officially went to go to Avicci's wake (who earlier that month committed suicide) but I found so much more in Stockholm.
Stockholm's main road
Photo by: Phil Price
The city itself was beautiful. There was virtually no litter on the ground and the architecture was stunning. There were parts that were extremely modern but you could walk over to the next street and see traditional old Sweden.
The bridge connecting the old and the new.
The people as well were absolutely beautiful, inside and outside. Everyone was so nice and helpful to me and my friend. We were two girls travelling alone which prompted many women to make sure we took the most well-lit paths and even sometimes walk with us.
Overall I had a fantastic time. I found pleasure in shopping (a lot of shopping I might add), site seeing, and getting lost a lot (but that is always the best part of travelling).
Photo by: Pedro Szekely
Oh wow, I remember reading about Avicci last spring, Maryellen... that is a sad occasion for a trip, but I am glad you got to go to Stockholm, and at such a beautiful time of year. I went there once in summertime and fell in love with Skansen Park. It is such a lovely city! Looking at the pictures makes me want to go back again.