Reading Notes:Saint Blaise and His Beasts Part A
Saint Blaise and His Beasts
Story Source: The Book of Saints and Friendly Beasts by Abbie Farwell Brown (1900)
- Time period:
- 316 A.C
- Emperor Licentious was killing Christians
- Saint Blaise
- Just wanted to learn how to help the creatures he loved
- Loved everything-- people, "dumb bests", everything that suffered and was sick
- Everybody loved him because he was always helping out -- with children, healing cattle and house pets
- Not scared to die in the end
- On his way to die he cured a sick child
- Put in prison and tortured
- Couldn't put him to death by beasts -- tried to drown him
- Christ analogy
- Was then beheaded
- England-- February 3rd-- light bonfires in honor of his name
- Wild Beasts
- Blaise never forgot about them
- Would visit them in the woods
- Always wanted to learn about them
- Love Blaise because he never hurt them, talked to them "kindly" and healed them when they were sick or wounded
- Had a relationship with him-- he helped them, they helped him
- Never interrupt his praying time at his cave
- Proud of their master when he was honoured with the title Bishop
- Life threatened by the evil emperor -- wants to use them as entertainment in the arena
- Blaise hid the beasts from the evil doers and in return they protected him from the same people
- Probably felt guilty the evil people took their master while they were napping
- Howling at his house waiting for Blaise to return
- Come around to see the fires every year for him
- The wolf
- Introduced as a bad character -- stole a pig (interesting wolf and pig thing maybe to add in)
- Listens to Blaise
Saint Blaise brought out the best in animals,
even the wolf in the story.
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