Week 2 Reading Overview

Reading Schedule

Choose from CLASSICAL and/or BIBLICAL units for Weeks 3 and 4.
Week 3: Saints and Animals
Week 4: Cupid and Psyche
Choose from MIDDLE EASTERN and/or INDIAN units for Weeks 5 and 6.
Week 5: Santal
Week 6: Twenty-Two Goblins
Choose from ASIAN and/or AFRICAN units for Weeks 7 and 9. [Week 8 is review week.]
Week 7: Jamaica
Week 9: Laos
Choose from NATIVE AMERICAN units for Weeks 10 and 11.
Week 11:  Hero legends
Choose from BRITISH and/or CELTIC units for Weeks 12 and 13.
Week 12: Beowulf
Week 13: Robin Hood
Choose from EUROPEAN units for Weeks 14 and 15.
Week 14: Librivox
Week 15: Italian

I am looking forward to most of these readings. I chose stories with some heavy focus on animals. I am also really excited about the British/Celtic unit. I am a big fan of Beowulf and studied abroad in a town close by where Robin Hood was said to live.  

The picture was taken from the European Unit, Italian section.


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