Story Week 13, The Three Little Belchers

The Three Little Belchers

The Belcher Family.

Louise, Gene, and Tina spent their summer days working at their dad's burger restaurant, Bob's Burgers. The three kids, bored out of their mind, were looking for something to pass the time.

Louise, the youngest of the bunch, was building a tower out of coasters at the bar when suddenly it crumbled down.

Tina, the oldest more responsible, noticed the fall and said, "That's why you can't coast through building those things." She then continued to softly laugh at her own joke.

Louise then said, "Oh you think you can do so much better?!?"

To which Tina responded, "Ya, I do. I think I can do much better."

Louise all fired up for competition shouted, "Wanna bet? Tallest structure made out of restaurant items wins!"

In true Tina fashion, she lays down the rules, "Fine! We each have an hour to build the tallest structure. BUT the finished product must pass a sturdy test. Gene will be the judge."

Gene looked up from his sound effect keyboard and promptly said, "Just call me Judge Judy."

To start the competition with some flair Gene waved a napkin and shouted, "Let the competition begin!"

Tina and Louise were quick to start. They were running around the restaurant trying to find any kind of building supplies. Tina chose some plastic water cups, coasters, and chewing gum found under the tables to build her tower. While Louise chose empty ice cream cones and napkins. They each took their own booth and worked tirelessly to beat the other. To entrain himself and add to the drama, Gene played his own form of Eye of the Tiger on his keyboard.

Both siblings took different approaches. Tina was taking her time. She focused on building a sturdy base. She was using coasters as the start of the base and then wedged used gum in between the plastic water cups to help them stick together. She continued to build up from there.  Louise was going for height. She created a base of napkins and got started creating her masterpiece, the biggest pyramid of ice cream cones ever.

The time was flying by for the kids. It felt like only ten minutes had passed when Gene made the final five-minute announcement over his megaphone. Tina and Louise were quickly making their final adjustments.

Their concentration was interrupted by Gene shouting into his megaphone, "Step away from the towers ladies! Your time of judgment has come!"

Louise and Tina slid out of their booths and stood behind Gene as he carefully inspected their final structures. Louise was confident she was going to win when she saw Tina's final product. It was nowhere near as tall as hers. Gene pounded his fist on Tina's table but her structure stood tall. He then walked over to Louise's booth table. He used the same sturdy test on Louise's structure but her's went tumbling down.

Tina was mid victory dance when the kids' dad walked in. He saw the mess and let out a deep sigh, "Get back to work kids."

The kids begin cleaning up their mess and started thinking about what they are going to do for entertainment next.

Author's Note:

I was inspired to write this story when I was reading the story The Three Little Pigs. Each pig built a house to live in. The first two didn't use the proper equipment and a wolf was able to blow their houses down. The third one built his house out of brick and was able to keep the wolf out. I am a big fan of the show Bob's Burgers and thought this would be the perfect story to retell using Bob's Burgers theme. In the show, the three kids are always finding ways to compete against each other. I liked the idea of adding sibling rivalry to the storyline. Instead of all three of them building something I thought it would be funnier for Gene, a very sassy character in the show, to judge his sisters' structures.

Story Source: This story is part of the English Fairy Tales (1) unit. Story source: English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs with illustrations by John D. Batten (1890).

Three Little Pigs story link.


  1. Hey again, Maryellen!

    I have never seen Bob's Burgers before but now I really want to if the characters are like yours--hilarious! I love the puns! I also totally relate to sibling rivalry and would probably love this show a lot--if only I had the time!!! Gene sounds like he would be my favorite--I love sass! Great job incorporating something you love with the story of the three little pigs--inspiration always makes stories better and it shows in this story! Great work!

  2. Hey Maryellen,

    I really liked this overall concept as I am a huge fan of Bob's Burgers. I love how you kept the characters from the show as you portrayed them very well. I actually sat here laughing out loud as this is actually really funny from a tv show fanatic's perspective. I did this with The Office, you may want to check it out if you get a chance and let me know what you think.

  3. Hey there Maryellen,
    I actually had never seen Bob’s Burgers before now, but now I am actually very curious as to what the characters are actually like. You did a really great job at capturing the audiences attention and keeping it throughout the entire story. I can definitely tell that you put a bunch of time into this story and it was great!

  4. Hey Maryellen,

    I am a HUGE fan of Bob's Burgers, so the second I saw the image in your story, I knew I would be in for something great. You made a lot of the characters personalities seamlessly transition to the story, which probably comes with watching the show! The story was well-written and interesting and I hope you do something like it again for us all to read! Great job!

  5. Hi Maryellen,
    I am so glad I got to read this story! Bob’s Burgers in one of my absolute favorite shows, it’s my go to show before I go to bed. The kids are my favorite characters and you were spot on with their roles in your story. Louise is definitely the most competitive and I could definitely see her saying “wanna bet?” Overall , I really enjoyed reading your story! Great job!


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